I am running for District 2 City Councilor because I believe Worcester should be a place where families and individuals of all abilities can build a future. Worcester is growing, and we need to think collaboratively. We need leadership that works together with residents, our local institutions, and community organizations. I will always put community interests before politics, and work with fellow councilors to do the same.

Born and raised in Worcester, I grew up on the East Side and come from a civically engaged family where being involved in the community was important. I graduated from North High in 2004 and went on to earn a Bachelor's Degree in Communications and Urban Studies from Worcester State University in 2010. 

I have worked for over a decade in the human service field as an advocate and board member, I’ve served on the Worcester Access Advisory Commission for five years, and now serve on the Worcester Human Rights Commission. As a member of the Worcester Together Affordable Housing Coalition, I fought for inclusionary zoning and affordable housing for Worcester families.  

I love our neighborhood, our communities, our parks, and vibrant commercial districts. As our city grows we need leadership focused on preserving these things we hold dear while improving quality of life, public safety, and providing better services to our residents. My personal and professional life is committed to assisting Worcester residents and improving our city. As your City Councilor, I will bring that same dedication to you and everyone in District 2.

Who is Rob?

What matters to me

  • Affordable Housing

    Our city is in a housing crisis. More than half of Worcester households rent, and an increasing number of renters are struggling to live and work in Worcester. It’s essential we preserve and improve affordable housing in our community.

    As a member of the Worcester Together Affordable Housing Coalition, I led the initiative for affordable accessible housing. I will continue to fight for affordable housing for working families, seniors, and the disability community.

  • Neighborhoods

    Residents deserve clean and safe neighborhoods. I will work to improve response times to service requests. Being there for people is my top priority, and I will always advocate for residents and address community concerns.

    Our streets should also be safe for pedestrians, cyclists and motorists. I will work to improve street infrastructure, sidewalk accessibility, and pedestrian safety throughout District 2.

  • Community Building

    I believe by working together we can to meet community challenges, create a more transparent local government, and improve quality of life for residents throughout District 2.

    As your City Councilor, I will work to bring together residents, community organizations, public safety departments, and small business owners to build a stronger, more inclusive city.

In addition to your vote, I need your financial support today. Campaigns are community efforts, and I need your backing in order to reach every voter in the district.

Get in touch.